
Joined 10 years ago

About this person

Name: Johnny Warren
Biography: *5 years of RUNWAY MODELING *I'm definitely looking to network and become apart of an AGENCY, I'm ready to WORK!!! *K L A S S I K* 2014 *Year of The God* SOON! Dallas, Tx FINEST!! Twitter:@5thChakra Facebook:King.Johnny.Warren YouTube: BRIM SPLIFFS JOHNNY WARREN JR Born and raised in Dallas, Tx, Brim Spliffs love for Hip Hop has evolved from what Texas rap use to be, to now, how it should be. His style of flow is nothing similar to the main stream names in the music industry or any Texas artist's nor down south. Spliffs word play and sporadic rhythm completely separates him from the beat, his ability to ride a beat with no monotone style, but with elite energy and breath, Spliffs proves on his hit singles “I’m From Texas” and “80’s Baby,” that he can indeed flow with the best of them.